Saturday, March 30, 2013

makeup galore

kristin brought a bag of old makeup to donate, and the boys rummaged through it and had a little bit of fun while we were unpacking. this was the outcome!

We made it to Cox's Bazaar!

Well we made it! Wifi has been limited in the beginning so I have a lot of catching up to do. We went to the market the first day we arrived to stock up on things we needed in our apartment and have them make a copy of the keys! 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Back in Bangladesh!

Welcome to traffic in Dhaka. We arrived here late Tuesday afternoon and hartal (they close everything down to protest) gave quite a bit of problems, but we were able to still get around. We got stuck behind the bars in a CNG (pictured above) for hours, it was quite the sweaty mess between the three of us squished in the back seat of it. But its good to be back....and we head home to Cox's Bazaar tonight on an overnight bus, hoping the dramamine will make it better!