i am a huge fan of henri nouwen, he was a catholic priest who taught at several theological institutes, lived with the poor in peru, spent time with the trappist monks, and spent the final years if his life with people with mental and physical disabilities at L'arch in Trosly France where people with developmental disabilities live with assistants. he was all about using every single one of his experiences useful to god and others. i am reading through "the inner voice of love," it was his "secret journal" that was written during the most difficult time of his life, where he suddenly lost his self-esteem, his energy to live and work, his sense of being loved, even his hope in God. he had planned on keeping these raw conversation with god a secret until friends asked him, "why keep your anguish hidden from the many people who have been nurtured by your writing? wouldn't it be of consolation for many to know about the fierce inner battle that lies underneath so many of your spiritual insights?" so this morning when i read this, my heart loved.
"there will be a bit ore pain and struggle. you have to dare to live through it. keep walking straight. acknowledge your anguish, but do not let it pull you out of yourself. hold on to your chosen direction, your discipline, your prayer, your work, your guides and trust that one day love will have conquered enough of you that even the most fearful part will allow love (God) to cast out all fear."
oh and i made this last night.......:)
Thank you for posting this! I think I am going to look for his books! (I love the necklace too!)
thank you so much!! its pretty cheap if you get the book under the used books at amazon.com:)
dare to live...
everything you create is so BEAUTIFUL!! i love it!!! you are so talented :)
what a powerful quote...my endless search is put into words.
thanks venessa... ;)
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