we all have those things that are hard for us to pack away, even if it is for a few weeks. the sight of them makes us feel at home, or makes us think of someone, memories that we hold on to. if we put them in a box, we risk getting them smashed, broken, or maybe even forgotten. i realized that i have too many of those things in my little ol' room that might just have to stay in their special place til it is time to part from the shelter of these redwoods. the garland you wore on your head 20 years ago at your parent's wedding, the stuffed animal that you pretend you still don't sleep with in order that people don't make fun of you, the wine cork from that time you were with that boy who would later come to break your heart, your grandmother's bible that you gave her for her birthday is now back in your care, and then you get to the pictures....oh the pictures, i can't even go there ha.
so i guess, this is an ode to the place that once was a home for these love, i have a feeling this won't be the last. i mean really, two years is a long time in venessa years.
p.s. i am lame and don't own a picture of our casa, so thanks to dan's flickr...here is our porch.
It's a very artistic view of the porch and I never would have known that you didn't plan it until you said that you didn't have any pictures.
Two years is a VERY long time in Venessa years! You are right. But your memories will come with you and you will get to make new ones in a new place.
wait . . you guys are moving?!! where to? why? i didn't know this tid bit of info - hmmm . . gonna have to get on my informant for this one - she's failed me once again (you know you who are)!
i know how hard it can be to leave places you love (i've had to do it a few times). cherish those memories and good times - they'll only become more special over time. i'm proud of you for "breaking your non-committal stride!" ;) love you, friend!
oh . . and, no, you can't have micah! ;) :) i refuse to give him up! BUT, you can come visit him whenever you want!! :)
where are you going? I hear there is a nanny opening in AZ!
i probably should have noted that we are staying in the area...just moving closer to downtown haha. oops. my bad.
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