welcome to my very own blog! gosh, i kind of developed a wee bit of a case of stage-fright with what to say....so for starters i am going to introduce these new tank tops. i have very much to say about these cute little things (well, i think they are cute!). i have this amazing oppurtunity to join my wonderful friend gracie in namibia and spend a month there and help her care for some beautiful orphans. my heart has been longing to go there and do something , so after a great deal of praying, i decided that i don't want to go on some vacation to italy or prague (although south americas sounded so wonderful to me!!). i would much rather spend my money and do something i love much more! so by faith, at this time next week, i am buying a ticket to windhoek, africa and meeting gracie and doing what i feel the lord has been calling me to do for a very long time. anyone want to join me?? the only minor detail to get me there is the lack of funds. rather than writing support letters, i am TRYING to be artistic and create things that i enjoy, in hopes that other people would enjoy them too. you can find all of these items at my etsy store: http://www.hopevenessa.etsy.com/
if you would love to hear more about what i am doing there, please keep checking up on my blog for updates. i highly recommend that you check out gracie's page and BE INSPIRED at: http://www.oilovetheafrican.blogspot.com/
one more thing, i must give recognition to the ever-so-talented penelopea girls, whom i love dearly. thanks to ali, i have a wondeful banner here and at my little hopeful store. there link is: http://www.penelopea.blogspot.com/
sidenote: the models don't come with the shirts.
oh my gosh, i love you venessa! you are amazing and i'm so so so happy that you are going to be able to do this (and i say going because i KNOW you will raise enough money to do this)! those shirts are gorgeous, and i can't wait until i order my very own right after this! and the blog is oh, so cute! welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!
thanks mer!!! you silly girl, i have your shirt already...its all done and ready for you.
so, i'm really broke, but i am raising money to purchase a shirt. don't think that i am trying to avoid that... i'm just trying to avoid overdrafting my account. i will find a way, don't you worry! :) you're cute, by the way, for that little note... and i am super sad that the shirts don't come with the models. i totally wanted them too.
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